In Your Face

“In Your Face” is a media-driven collective project by Ocean.Now! with participants from around the world. Over a period of 3 months, ocean lovers collected microplastic samples that are now shown symbolically in the shape of a “beauty mask” on “known faces”. The bloody nose stands for the destructive character of microplastics. Our collective wave of resistance aims at sending a clear message: It’s time to finally ban microplastics in cosmetics and cleaning products. It’s time for us humans to look ourselves in the eye.




Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, dieter hallervorden, didi, schauspieler

Dieter Hallervorden – Actor
“Plastic belongs as little in the sea as mustard and ketchup in a plate of rice pudding.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, johannes strate, sänger, revolverheld, singer

Johannes Strate – Singer ‘Revolverheld
“The ocean is a big part of my childhood for me and I hope my son can say the same thing in 30 years.”

Microplastic collected on Spitsbergen, Arctic.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, Alexander Krüger, Feel Festival, Veranstalter

Dörthe Eickelberg – Moderator, Arte
What does the ocean mean to you? “Everything. The sea knows no boundaries.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, heiko kotelett, dj, producer, kotelett&zadak, techno, electronic music

Heiko Kotelett – DJ & Producer – Kotelett&Zadak
What does the ocean mean to you? 71% mysterious.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, katharina spiering, schauspielerin, actress

Katharina Spiering – Actress
“The ocean means freedom and security to me.”

Microplastic collected on the beach of Vancouver, Canada.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, ranga yogeshwar, autor, wissenschaftler, quarks, scientist4future

Ranga Yogeshwar – Physicist & Author
“The ocean is the habitat of our planet, it’s our home, we all come from it originally.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, luisa neubauer, influencer, aktivistin, fridays4future

Luisa Neubauer – Activist #Fridays4Future
“If you care about the climate, you can’t get past the oceans. Climate protection also means protecting the oceans”.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, melanie bergmann, scientist, wissenschaftler, scientists4future, alfred wegener institut, AWI

Dr. Melanie Bergmann – Marine Biologist
“The ocean is a place of power for me and it produces our food and the air we breathe.”

Microplastic collected on the beach of North Queensferry, Scotland.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, jens stoetzner, freediver, apnoe, champion

Jens Stoetzner – Apnoea Diver Champion
What does the ocean mean to you? “Weightless descent into the greatest natural paradise.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, Adele Logan, Zazi Vintage

Adelé Logan – Zazi Vintage
“The ocean means mother. The ocean builds you up, makes you strong, it is connected to everything.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, fritz windish, soukie&windish, dj, katerblau, ursl, producer

Fritz Windish – DJ & Producer – Soukie&Windish
“The river is flowing flowing and growing. The river is flowing back to the sea.”

Microplastic collected in Playa de Montaña, Lanzarote, Spain.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, marcella hansch, parcific garbage screening, ceo

Marcella Hansch – CEO Pacific Garbage Screening
“The ocean is the only place for me to really refuel.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, martin zadak, dj, producer, kotelett&zadak, techno

Martin Zadak – DJ & Producer – Kotelett&Zadak
What does the ocean mean to you? “The sea is more like a feeling to me.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, nico stojan, produzent, dj, techno, electronic music

Nico Stojan – DJ & Producer –
What does the ocean mean to you? “Life”

Microplastic collected at Seaford Beach, Australia.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, ifeatu nnaobi, dokumentarfilmer

Ifeatu Nnaobi – documentary filmmaker
“I’ve always liked being next to the ocean because it is so vast. Right there is where I feel most connected to infinity.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, dave dinger, dj, katerblau, techno

Dave Dinger – DJ
“To me, the ocean is the calm, the storm and everything in between.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, ibrahim nashat, dokumentarfilmer

Ibrahim Nash’at – documentary filmmaker
“Where the body meets the soul to enjoy unity”

Microplastic collected at Playa de Los Frailes, Ecuador

Microplastic collected on the beach of Honolulu, Hawaii.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, eric d clark, producer, dj, whirlpool productions

Eric D. Clark – DJ & Producer
“I can’t imagine being without the ocean, it doesn’t make any sense.
It’s simple.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, daria daria, madeleine daria alizadeh, influencer, nachhaltigkeit

Daria Daria – Sustainability blogger
“For me, the ocean means the source of all life.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, volker quaschning, scientists4future, wissenschaftler, scientist

Prof. Dr. Volker Quaschning – #Scientists4Future
“The ocean is the cradle of life, and if we destroy the ocean, we destroy the livelihood.”

Microplastic collected at Kure Atoll, Hawaii.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, milena glimbowski, originalunverpackt, nachhaltigkeit, influencer

Milena Glimbowski – Zero Waste Activist
“For me, the ocean means the beginning and the end of all life.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, uli kunz, moderator, forschungstaucher, fotograf, terrax

Uli Kunz – Research Diver & Underwater Photographer
“The ocean is almost everything to me.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, jeanne de kroon, influencer, zazi vintage, nachhaltigkeit,

Jeanne de Kroon – Founder Zazi Vintage
“The ocean for me means forgiveness, healing and nourishment.”

Microplastic collected on the beach of Cape Agulhas, South Africa.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, Michael Fritz, viva con agua, millerntorgallerie

Michael Fritz – Co-Founder Viva con Agua
“The ocean means life to me, because water is life.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, ashley arthur, funk, wdr, glanz&natur, influencer, nachhaltigkeit

Ashley Arthur – Beauty Blogger Glanz&Natur
“Absolute depth, life and purity.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, esra karyagdi, glanz&natur, influencer, funk, wdr, nachhaltigkeit

Ezra Karyagdi – Beauty Blogger – Glanz&Natur
What does the ocean mean to you?: “Freedom, home and life.”

Microplastic collected on the beach of Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, tom sietas, apnoe, freediver, tauchen, champion, worldrecord

Tom Sietas, apnoea diver & world record holder
“The ocean is a fascinating habitat that has always attracted me magically.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, nayan soukie, soukie&windish, dj, producer, amount, ursl, techno, electronic music

Nayan Soukie – DJ & Producer – Soukie&Windish
“For me, the ocean means the smell of salt, because I grew up on the ocean.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, oliver koletzki, produzent, dj, producer, stil vor talent, techno, electronic music

Oliver Koletzki – DJ & Producer – Stil vor Talent
“For me, the ocean means vacation, but it also means life.”

Microplastic collected on the beach of Almeria, Spain

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, Louisa deller, nachhaltigkeit, influencer, blogger, naturalou

Louisa Dellert – Sustainability blogger & influencer
“Ocean means life to me. And life, no matter where, should always be protected.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, johannes bergheim, cotume, aka aka, dj, producer, techno

Johannes Bergheim – DJ & Producer – AKA AKA
“The ocean means a threatened future to me.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, Alexander Krüger, Feel Festival, Veranstalter

Alexander Krüger – Entrepreneur, Festivals Feel & Artlake
“The ocean – the source of our life, the source of our energy and the power of our future – is the blood of our earth.”

Microplastic collected at Sanur Beach, Bali, Indonesia.

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, holger kampling, aka aka, dj, techno, producer

Holger Kampling – DJ & Producer – AKA AKA
“I am a child of the coast, the ocean basically means everything to me.”

Ocean Now, In Your Face, Projekt, Berlin, Swaantje Güntzel, Mikroplastik, Microplastics, Saskia Uppenkamp, portrait, kampagne, verbot, mimi love, dj, katerblau, techno, electronic music

Mimi Love – DJ
“For me, the ocean is the place where I can dream like nowhere else.”