Saskia Uppenkamp | Stills & Motion

Photographer & Videographer
for portrait, business portraits and corporate photography

Mobile: +49 (0) 177 29 313 09
Mail: photo (AT)

Kopernikusstrasse 19
10245 Berlin – Germany

Saskia Uppenkamp – Selbstportrait 2024

I am Saskia, born in ’81, happy in Berlin since 2004, except during the winter. Then I’m drawn to warm places around the world. Since my 18th birthday vegetarian by heart, I love iced latte with oat milk and, of course, photography. I have not been taking pictures since I was in kindergarten. Moving images fascinated me at first. After graduating from high school, first stop film industry, career choice camerawoman. 10 years as a clapper loader, focus puller and operator, more than 50 German and international movie and advertising productions. At the age of 30 I knew I’ve had enough of the film camera for now, I needed a new challenge: I studied photography at the ‘Neue Schule für Fotografie’ in Berlin, graduating in 2014 under the guidance of Eva Bertram. I was able to gain practical experience as assistant to the photographers Jan von Holleben and Benno Kraehahn.

Since 2014 I have been working as a freelance photographer and videographer in the fields of portrait & reportage. Always on the search for people with stories. All my heart goes into artist portraiture or reportage on sustainable topics. Alternative concepts of living interest me in a special way. I also serve the field of business & corporate photography and watch people with my camera at big corporate events. My pictures have been published in magazines like ‘The Wall Street Journal’, ‘Lufthansa Magazin’ and ‘National Geographic’.


2023 LOOK AT ME NOW European Month Of Photography – Gruppenausstellung Female Photoclub
2022 Förderung durch die Stiftung Kulturwerk | VG Bild-Kunst – Projekt ‘SO MANY WAYS’
2022 Ocean.Now! IN YOUR FACE Ausstellung – UN Ocean Conference Lissabon
2021 Ocean.Now! IN YOUR FACE Ausstellung – Berlin Photo Week
2021 ‘Rummelsburger Bucht’ als Teil der Dauerausstellung im Museum Lichtenberg – Berlin
2021 SPEKTREN Gruppenausstellung des Female Photoclub
2019 ISLANDS OF UTOPIA zeigt ‘Rummelsburger Bucht’ – Museum für Subkultur Berlin

2018 ‘Perspektiven #3’, Neue Schule für Fotografie – Berlin
2016 Gewinnerin des Professional Imagers Club – Award für Young Professionals
2014 Gruppenausstellung ‘SOWIESO’, Neue Schule für Fotografie


The Wall Street Journal Signal Iduna Superspring National Geographic Deutschland Unicredit HypoVereinsbank Skyseed SwissLife  Technische Universität Berlin Hugo Boss Unicredit BSK Immobilien ReBuy  CHOCO Elektrolux/AEG Lufthansa Magazin Gelato Classico Competionline Quentic Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit Zalando SBM Saudi Business Machine EWS Energiewendemagazin My Little Box Deutschland Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft Siemens Weber Bank Diskurs Magazin  VDA Verband Deutscher Automobilhersteller DEGES Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Raufeld Medien Pro Agro e.V. Rockstone Real Estate HWP Handwerkspartner AG Schneider Weisse Witness This Arte Magazin Sigal & Sapiro Real Estate Mashup Communications Trend Wirtschaftsmagazin On&Offer Ono Labs Brandwatch LG DKV Target Global Schnittker Möllmann Partners The Hundert Business Insider Leetchi Epic Games Contiamo Fuxblau Wintergarten Varieté Spryker 55AESTEHTICS Project A i2X Manager Magazin Natur Magazin T-Systems Best Practice Zitty Berlin TIP Berlin Caritas Universität der Künste Berlin

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Saskia Uppenkamp | Stills & Motion

Photographer & Videographer
for portrait, business photos and corporate photography

+49 177 2931309  |