Gudrun Gnadenlos
As a Düsseldorf boy with carnival in his blood, Götz discovered his love of women’s clothing at an early age. His parents had a VHS tape of a show by Mary & Gordy, two female impersonators, as it was called at the time. Götz was fascinated and watched the show again and again. He dressed up as a girl for carnival as early as the third and fourth grade.

He moves to Berlin with the desire to become an actor. This dream does not materialise. He works as a bar boy in Berlin’s ‘Hafen’, a gay dance bar, has his first gigs as a travesty artist and DJ, and organises his own party series.

Götz shifts his longing to be an actor to travesty: transforming himself into a show star for a short time with make-up, jewellery and costume. His drag queen Gudrun Gnadenlos is a mixture of trash and comedy. He loves making fun of himself, entertaining others and making them laugh, the enthusiasm of his friends about the differences between Götz and Gudrun. Travesty gives him the opportunity to live out his different sides: The down-to-earth and quiet Götz or the diva-like, extroverted and snappish Gudrun Gnadenlos.

For Götz, travesty was always more of a side job, he wanted to have fun on stage, but not lose himself full-time in the role of drag queen. In recent years, his performances have been limited to friends’ birthday parties, private parties and small events. He has recently started performing twice a week again in a show at the Kleine Nachtrevue in Berlin.