There is no lift to success. You have to take the stairs. And Madmotormiquel has climbed them all, one by one. His charisma has made him an icon and a favourite in the Berlin hangover family since the days of Bar25 and Kater Holzig, with regular appearances at the infamous SaSoMo events as well as other big nights at the legendary club. With a warm energy and simplicity, he conveys his love of nature, people and new experiences through his music. He’s that kind of DJ who naturally draws you to the dance floor, makes you want to skip work on Monday morning and make it worth your while. Born and raised in West Berlin, the multi-talented DJ has released records on leading labels in the scene, including Heinz Music, Katermukke and Underyourskin. In addition, as co-founder of URSL Records, he has left his musical mark on the Berlin techno cosmos and around the world. As if that wasn’t enough, Madmotormiquel – real name: Michi – has been part of the Fusion Festival since the early 2000s and has been the heart and soul of the infamous Bachstelzen party collective for 12 years.